The Planet is a Living Being. All healing or helpful work must first begin with respect for the nature that is already present. Respect and cooperation are the foundation of any healing that we seek to give others or to Earth. As Humans, we live and breathe on the land we call Mother Earth.
Mother Earth is Created just like us in similarities of Meridian lines and Chakras. It is Vibrant and alive with energy. Earths Meridians are known as Laylines and her Chakras are known as Vortexes. Earth is created to sustain and heal itself beautifully just like our bodies are created with divine blueprints of perfection, our earth is about 4.5 billion years old, and so one can imagine all the activities of structural abuse, movements, wars, rituals and natural disasters that can block and weigh our land just like our painful or traumatic pasts that blocked our body’s chakras and meridian lines.
It is only sensible to understand that our beloved earth needs a hand at times to lift these heavy layers of land impregnations so that her energy is radiant and supportive of the humans who depend on her as much. The planetary system also requires nutrients or different substances, and these must be transformed and digested, which occurs throughout the eco-system just as our own bodies do. Likewise, on the planet our structures need to be properly aligned and in relationship with energies and natural structures of the surrounding land.
When the land is cleansed or cleared, The energy around it is more vibrant and conductive to the natural flow of creation such as vegetations, soil, air and health of people, Trees and animals.
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